Mark A. Yarhouse, Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents, Pastors, and Friends

Bethany House, 2010.

Summary: Yarhouse explicitly rejects homosexual activity as sin while finding many aspects of homosexual practice social constructions. He divides the homosexual experience into three tiers: same-sex attraction, homosexual orientation (long-term same-sex attraction accepted as a personal norm), gay identity (a cultural construction of self and group identification).  He argues that while “same sex attraction” can be independent of behavior, orientation and gay identity requires cognitive acquiescence and maintenance.

He challenges both the church and those who would like to obey the Bible yet who experience same sex attraction to focus on finding orientation and identity in Jesus Christ. This is especially the case, because the cause or causes of same sex attraction are not clear: nature and nurture both appear to play a role. Since individuals give different significance to internal (nature) and external (nurture) stimuli and events, a single cause or set of causes for same sex attraction may never be found.

Because gay identity is a social construction, the gay community has created a script of self-discovery which conforms to the popular belief policies of modernity. As a person explores the conflicts created by same sex-attraction, the gay community offers them a prepackaged, attractive explanation, which justifies and romanticizes their experience and desires. Yarhouse would like the church to offer a script which focuses on finding one’s identity in Christ while recognizing the lasting implications of same sex attraction.

Benefits: An extremely helpful consideration of the social construction called homosexuality or gay identity. He establishes a broad and scientifically informed argument to defend this position. He is biblically informed and very aware of the persuasive and attractive nature of the gay community’s script to entice those with same-sex attraction into their community.

Excellent resource for everyone who needs to consider these issues carefully.

Detriments: Weak on the negative physical, psychological, and spiritual impact of acting out same-sex attractions and creating gay identity. Sexually active gay males are especially at risk for bowel infections and diseases, destruction of the sphincter, STDs, and depression. While depression can be linked to adverse social responses, the physical trauma and diseases are intrinsic to how same sex attraction is acted out by the gay community. Further, the negative spiritual ramifications of centering self-identify on something forbidden by God cannot be under estimated.


Oliver O’Donovan, The Problem of Self-Love in St. Augustine


Philip Aubrey, Mr Secretary Thurloe: Cromwell’s Secretary of State—1652-1660