

Hello Watertown and church family! We have several ways for you to explore and make new connections inside this historic Wisconsin church. Please reach out to the church office to see how you can connect or serve today! Consider clicking on any of the following links to learn more:

Nursery / Children's Ministries / Youth Ministries / Ladies' Ministries / Men's Ministries


At First Baptist Church, we believe that the focal point of our week should be our corporate worship service, when God's people gather to make much of Him. In order to make our time of corporate worship a priority for parents and families, we offer infant and toddler nurseries. Each nursery is adequately staffed with trained workers, who are eager to serve parents by caring for their children. This allows parents to engage fully in the worship service while knowing that their children are being cared for.

Children's Ministries

Solomon said, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” At First Baptist Church, we take great joy in assisting families, as they train their children up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM we have classes for children of all ages. In each class, we aspire to have a welcoming atmosphere which is safe, energetic, and above all, Christ-centered. In each of these classes, you will find teachers who understand the simple power of the Word of God and who have a desire to point children even at the youngest ages to the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. In addition to Sunday morning classes, various other activities such as VBS, Family Movie Nights, Summer Camp, and Children's Choir offer more opportunities for our children to enjoy growing in this faith family.

Youth Ministries

We aim to create an environment where youth ministries serve to strengthen and unify our Church rather than separate and divide it. Teenagers are in a stage of life where it is easy to become inwardly focused, but through classes, one-on-one discipleship, and youth conferences, our teens are exposed to Jesus in His awesome glory so that they can learn to be satisfied in Him and to love His church.The students meet weekly at the church on Sunday evenings at 5:30.

Ladies' Ministries

Scripture instructs Christian woman to cultivate biblically meaningful, cross-generational relationships with each other, "Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled (Titus 2:3-5 ESV).” To help facilitate these sorts of Titus 2 relationships, some of our ladies meet weekly for a time of prayer and sharing, others meet for periodic book studies, and others have attended special conferences together. We even offer single ladies studies.

Men's Ministries

We want FBC to be a place where men can develop meaningful, discipleship-oreinted, accountable relationship with each other. For those who are married—loving, leading, and providing for a family is a difficult task, so we want men to be able to walk together, helping each other through the challenges of life. In addition, we want all men to have regular opportunities to connect with each other in order to establish mutually encouraging relationships. Accordingly, we attempt to host regular times of fellowship—including Bible studies, Men’s Breakfasts, and even attending conferences together (i.e. Together for the Gospel, the Gospel Coalition, various Desiring God Ministries events, and the No Regrets Men’s Conference).