Jonathan Leeman, Church Membership: How the World Knows Who Represents Christ

Crossway, 2012, 142 pgs.

Summary: Leeman makes the biblical argument that local congregations are embassies and gathering spots of the kingdom of heaven (Eph. 2:19; 6:18-20; 2 Cor. 5:20; Phil. 3:20). Thus, for the Christian church membership is not a voluntary association, because we are commanded to be a part of the local church by our Lord.

As representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has the responsibility to identify Christians and assist them in obeying the laws of the kingdom. The order of the church, who is recognized as a representative of Christ, and how Christians submit to the church are all carefully defined and explained from the Bible.

Exemplar Quotes:

Just as the Bible establishes the government of your nation as your highest authority on earth when it comes to your citizenship in that nation, so the Bible establishes the local church as your highest authority on earth when it comes to your discipleship to Christ and your citizenship in Christ’s present and promised nation (25).

When you open your Bible, stop looking for signs of a club with its voluntary members. Look instead for a Lord and his bound-together people. Look also for other forms of unity (brothers and sisters in a family, branches on a vine, etc.) (26).

Benefits/Detriments: Helpful, thoughtful, sometimes amusing, but always biblical. Highly recommended for all.


Kevin Schut, Of Games and God: A Christian Exploration of Video Games


The Quest of the Holy Grail, P. M. Matarasso, trans.