First Baptist Church of Watertown, Wisconsin

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Deuteronomy commentaries

  • Raymond Brown, The Message Deuteronomy (BST) -- Edifying.

  • Peter C. Craigie, The Book of Deuteronomy (NICOT) -- Served as the grammatical-historical backbone of my Deuteronomy series.

  • Martin Luther, Lectures on Deuteronomy -- Offers some interesting insights; Luther is always refreshing.

  • J. Gary Millar, Now Choose Life: Theology and Ethics Deuteronomy (NSBT) -- Very academic in outlook, but with some helpful insights as to how to bridge the text to a modern audience.

  • Edward J. Woods, Deuteronomy (TOTC) -- Useful, but badly organized for reference.

  • Telford Work, Deuteronomy-Brazo Theological Commentary -- Mildly bizarre and experimental, perhaps neo-orthodox in outlook; it was sent to me by accident by Baker books. Some edifying comments.

  • Christopher Wright, Deuteronomy (NIBC) -- Edifying.